Academic Board Terms of Reference Policy
Fact box
- Policy owner: Chair, Academic Board
- Policy category: Academic: Academic Board
- Policy status: Approved
- Approval body: Council
- Endorsement body: Academic Board
- Last amended: 5th Dec. 2024
- Relevant HESF: Part A: 6.3
This policy outlines the membership and responsibilities of Alphacrucis University College (AC) Academic Board and its subcommittees.
Whole of AC
Academic Board is established by the AC Constitution as the principal academic body at AC. All academic bodies at AC report to Academic Board. The Board has the following commitments:
1. Membership
Members of Academic Board are expected to attend, face to face or remotely, the majority of the scheduled meetings, normally the entirety of the meeting. For example, in a calendar year of six board meetings, a member is expected to miss no more than two, barring unforeseen circumstances.
1.1 Appointment of a Chair
The Chairperson will be appointed by Council and is an ex officio member of Council. Appointment is for a term of three years.
1.2 Membership
The membership of Academic Board includes:
Ex officio members
- Chair
- President
- Vice President and Provost
- Deputy Vice President Faculty
- Chairs of each standing subcommittee of Academic Board
- If not already included as the chair of a subcommittee of Academic Board:
- Registrar
- Director of Quality and Standards
Appointed/Elected Members
- two or more senior academic leaders from the faculty
- two or more external members
- one student-elected student representative
1.3 Term
For ex officio members, the term will be for the duration of their employment in those positions. External members will be appointed by Academic Board for a term of three years. The student representative is appointed for a term of one year, with the option for re-appointment. The senior academic leaders are appointed for a term of one year, with the option for re-appointment.
1.4 Secretary
The Chair will appoint a Secretary.
1.5 Deputy Chair
The Chair may appoint a Deputy Chair at his or her discretion.
2. Terms of reference
Academic Board performs the functions as outlined in the AC Constitution. These broad functions require Academic Board to:
- report to the Council on all issues and policy matters affecting AC’s academic organisation, quality, standards, ethics, practices, processes and resources;
- develop and accredit new courses of study which have been approved for development by Council and which fall within the fields for which AC has self-accrediting authority;
- approve course of study reviews;
- make recommendation to the Council, for degree admission, those students who have satisfied their respective program requirements;
- appoint subcommittees of Academic Board;
- sustain the development, expertise and autonomy of faculty;
- foster an AC research and scholarship culture;
- develop, implement and review academic policies, initiatives and related academic requirements;
- supervise the development of AC library and teaching resources;
- oversee the academic proficiency, safety and wellbeing, and spiritual formation of the student body.
3. Meetings
3.1 Frequency of meetings
Academic Board will meet at least once a quarter, and at other times at the discretion of the Chair.
3.2 Quorum
The quorum for meetings will be at least fifty percent of voting members present in person (including via teleconferencing or videoconferencing).
3.3 Attendance by AC staff members
Academic Board can invite any staff member to attend meetings and may refer matters deemed to require attention directly to the appropriate staff member.
4. Reporting to Council
The Chair will include in his/her quarterly report to Council major decisions and outcomes from Academic Board meetings held during the preceding quarter.
5. Sub-committees of Academic Board
Academic Board may delegate any of its powers or functions to subcommittees or advisory boards. The Chairs of each subcommittee are appointed by Academic Board on an annual basis. The current Academic Board subcommittees are:
Learning and Teaching Committee
Chair: Appointed by Academic Board
Membership: A minimum of three faculty (excluding Chair) and one external representative as appointed by Academic Board. LTC may also recommend other members to Academic Board for appointment as required.
Function: Carry out the work of Academic Board in the following areas:
- student assessment standards, policies, guidelines, practices, comparisons, evaluation of internal monitoring and external moderation;
- good practice, review and improvement in pedagogy;
- professional development of faculty in learning and teaching related areas, fostering of academic scholarship activities and overseeing the mentoring of new faculty;
- review of new and revised subject outlines;
- ensuring currency of Faculty Register;
- other matters as referred by Academic Board concerning program quality, curriculum standards, academic integrity and misconduct and related issues;
- other tasks as guided by the AC Learning and Teaching Plan.
Learning and Teaching Committee may appoint ad hoc specialist subcommittees as required.
Internal Monitoring of Grades Committee (IMGC)
Chair: Appointed by LTC
Membership: Head of School or their delegate, and relevant faculty and administrators
Function: IMGC is a sub-committee of LTC that convenes at the end of each semester to review grades across all subjects delivered in that teaching period, to assure the validity and reliability of assessment. The duties and parameters of IMGC are outlined in the Higher Education Monitoring and Moderation of Grades Policy.
Research Committee
Chair: Appointed by Academic Board
Membership: A minimum of three faculty (excluding Chair) and one external representative appointed by Academic Board.
Function: Carry out the work of Academic Board in the following areas:
- fostering a vibrant and productive research culture at AC;
- exploring opportunities for research collaboration with external organisations;
- supporting research active faculty to produce high quality published research;
- encouraging faculty, Higher Degree Research (HDR) candidates and postgraduate students to participate in academic networks and conferences;
- developing and supporting proposals to funding sources for research funding;
- ensuring appropriate HDR research supervision training;
- appointing external examiners of HDR theses;
- approving major changes to HDR theses after examination, if required;
- providing direction for AC’s research centres, journal and scholarship publications, where appropriate;
- measuring and reporting on research outputs and academic scholarship activities;
- other tasks as guided by the AC Research Plan.
HDR Examinations Advisory Committee
Chair: Appointed by Research Committee
Membership: at least one senior academic (excluding Chair) and one relevant discipline expert as appointed by Research Committee.
Function: HDR Examinations Advisory Committee (EAC) is an ad-hoc committee of Research Committee that is convened, if required, as outlined in the HDR Thesis Examination Policy.
Quality Assurance Committee (QAC)
Chair: Appointed by Academic Board
Membership: Administrative staff and faculty representatives (excluding Chair) as appointed by Academic Board.
Function: Carry out the work of Academic Board in the following areas:
- monitoring of academic quality and standards;
- monitoring and co-ordinating academic reporting and other quality assurance and compliance activities, as required;
- monitoring the quality and compliance of HE & VET Third Party Arrangements and LOTE.
The QAC is advised by a Student Affairs Committee (SAC) which is a subcommittee of the QAC.
Student Affairs Committee (SAC)
Chair: Appointed by QAC
Membership: Program Directors (not including Chair) and other staff as appointed by QAC.
Function: addresses student academic matters, including but not limited to student late withdrawal requests, international student matters, appeals for continuation of study and appeals of academic integrity breaches.
- SAC advises QAC of any other student procedural concerns as raised by Program Directors or equivalent.
- SAC provides a report to QAC at each scheduled QAC meeting.
Human Research Ethics Committee
Chair: Appointed by Academic Board
Membership: Constituted as per Australian national guidelines on research involving human participants.
Function: Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) is a committee of the Academic Board that is convened to evaluate research proposals involving AC faculty, HDR candidates and coursework students or other AC projects involving human participants that are not classified as "negligible risk." The duties and parameters of the HREC are outlined in the Research Ethics Policy and the Research Ethics Handbook.
- HREC reports annually to the Academic Board.
Accreditation Committee
Chair: Appointed by Academic Board
Membership: Minimum four members (excluding Chair) appointed by Academic Board.
Function: Carry out the work of Academic Board in the following areas:
- monitoring changes and developments in the field of vocational and higher education and in government educational policy;
- overseeing design and development of new courses of study;
- overseeing course of study review processes;
- supervision and co-ordination of new delivery sites or changes to existing delivery sites;
- appointment of Course Development Committees (CDC) and Course Review Committees (CRC);
- ensuring community engagement and social responsibility are included in course development and review processes;
- other responsibilities related to government or professional accreditation or registration as required.
Course Development Committee (CDC)
Chair: Appointed by Accreditation Committee
Membership: in addition to relevant AC faculty, at least one external expert in the field.
Function: CDC is an ad-hoc committee of the Accreditation Committee that is convened to design and develop new courses. The duties and parameters of CDC are outlined in the Course of Study Design and Development Policy.
Course Review Committee (CRC)
Chair: Appointed by Accreditation Committee
Membership: in addition to relevant AC faculty, at least one external expert in the field.
Function: CRC is an ad-hoc committee of the Accreditation Committee that is convened to review current courses. The duties and parameters of CRC are outlined in the Course of Study Review Policy.
The Accreditation Committee may also appoint ad hoc specialist subcommittees or advisory groups (e.g. Australian Indigenous Advisory Group) or commission external expert reviews to assist in its role.
Responsible for implementation
Chair, Academic Board
Key stakeholders
Whole of AC
Academic Board Terms of Reference Procedures
- The Chair of Academic Board is appointed by the Council. Academic Board will recommend two suitable candidates of sufficient senior academic standing and governance experience to the Membership Selection Committee (MSC) of the Council. The process of appointment may involve an interview of the nominees by the MSC.
- Senior academic leaders from the faculty will be nominated by the Chair of Academic Board, in consultation with the DVP Faculty, and the nominees submitted to Academic Board for approval and appointment.
- The selection of external members of Academic Board will be based on needs, expertise required, and the proposed external members’ qualifications. When there is need for the appointment of an external member (such as when a current external member’s term expires), the Chair of Academic Board will invite suggestions from the members and approach relevant candidates with the offer to serve on the Board.
- The student representative to Academic Board is elected by the students. The Director of Student Experience chooses the method through which nominees are identified and a ballot is held. Student representatives must be enrolled in a current AC course of study, be able to represent the general needs of students without promoting personal agenda or bias, and agree to confidentiality relating to Academic Board discussions and decisions.