Delegations Policy
Fact box
- Policy owner: Vice President Academic
- Policy category: Governance: Council
- Policy status: Approved
- Approval body: Council
- Endorsement body: Executive
- Related policies:
- Last amended: 20th Dec. 2022
- Relevant HESF:
The purpose of this policy is to establish the appropriate delegation of duties, powers and functions at Alphacrucis University College (AC) and to devolve decision-making to appropriate levels.
All staff and campuses.
The Council is the governing body of AC and is the ultimate authority for all duties, powers and functions. Except for matters reserved for the Council, Council may delegate duties, powers and functions to its Sub-Committees, Academic Board and the President. These duties, powers and functions may be delegated to an appropriately qualified committee or staff position. A delegation of authority empowers decision-making and provides assurance that a committee or staff position is making decisions with a delegation of authority from a more senior committee or staff position. Delegations of authority are primarily established within the relevant AC policies, the AC Delegation Schedule, and the minutes of delegating or conferring committees.
The AC Council has power to do all things in connection with the performance of its functions and, in particular, has power:
- to acquire, hold and dispose of property;
- to enter into institutional partnerships;
- to participate in joint ventures and arrangements for the sharing of profits;
- to borrow money;
- to approve AC’s annual budget;
- to do anything incidental to any of its powers.
Subject to any relevant policy provisions, the President has authority to exercise all delegations of authority made by Council to AC staff, with the exception of delegations made by Council to its Sub-Committees.
- Delegates are subject to the direction and authority of the President and are answerable to the President for the proper exercise of delegations of authority in their area.
- The President may determine any new or existing delegations of authority.
- The exercise of delegations of authority and authorisations will be subject to periodic review by the President.
- Delegations of authority must be exercised in accordance with the AC Policies and Procedures Manual, with reference to the AC Delegation Schedule.
- A delegation of authority applies to and can only be exercised within the scope of the delegate’s responsibilities, regardless of financial limits imposed.
- A delegation may be revoked by the delegating or conferring body.
- A delegate may only exercise authority in respect to a transaction as a whole, not only part of it.
- A delegate is not compelled to exercise the delegation of authority. If unsure, the matter should be referred to a more senior committee or staff member in the line of accountability.
- A delegation of authority is assigned to a position, not an individual. However, the individual occupying the position is responsible and accountable for the decisions made under a delegation of authority.
- Duties, powers or functions delegated to a committee should usually be detailed in the respective committee’s terms of reference and/or in related policies.
A delegate must:
- maintain the delegations of authority and ensure accurate and consistent adherence to all related policies and procedures within the delegation of authority;
- review compliance with delegations of authority on a regular basis;
- act in accordance with the principles and the relevant delegations of authority;
- ensure approval of expenditure by a position or committee, in accordance with approved budget confines;
- maintain a record of all authorisations granted and inform the relevant senior authority;
- not commit AC to an action unless holding a current delegation of authority;
- exercise due diligence and ensure appropriate and timely risk, legal and other advice has been obtained before binding AC to a decision.
- A staff member must not exercise a delegation of authority or make a recommendation to, or seek to influence, a person with respect to the exercise of a delegation without declaring any conflict of interest.
- A delegate must not exercise a delegation of authority so as to approve a recommendation made either wholly or partly by the delegate.
A supervisor may withdraw or restrict a staff member's exercise of a delegation.
A breach of the provisions of this policy may be regarded as misconduct or serious misconduct and may be subject to disciplinary action.
A staff member who considers that a delegation of authority has been improperly exercised should follow the appropriate grievance procedures.
Responsible for implementation
Delegations Procedure
AC Council may specify any documents that must be sealed. The President, Vice President Academic or Vice President Operations may seal a document on behalf of AC. The President, Vice President Academic or Vice President Operations may authorise another staff member who may, on behalf of AC, sign any documents or classes of documents other than those that must be sealed.
Matters exceeding the President's delegation limits which require Council approval may be approved by Council or by way of circulated motion. In exceptional circumstances, the Chair of Council may convene a meeting of Council Sub-Committee Chairs to deal with a matter on behalf of the Council that is deemed too urgent to wait for the next scheduled meeting of Council, and that is not appropriate to deal with by way of circulated motion.
- Powers reserved solely for Council may not be delegated. Delegations identified in the AC Delegation Schedule may not be further delegated, except in exceptional circumstances.
- A delegate who is appointed to, or otherwise temporarily acts in, a position has the same delegation authority as the person holding the substantive position.
- A staff member who exercises direct supervisory responsibilities can exercise the delegated authority conferred but can only do so for a staff member under his/her authority.
- In most cases, a delegate is subject to the direction and supervision of a more senior committee or staff member in the line of accountability than the delegate. Unless specified for legal reasons, a more senior committee or staff member holds the same delegated function as the named delegate.
- A delegation cannot be sub-delegated but a delegate may authorise a committee or staff member to perform routine administrative tasks and systems processes required to carry out a delegation of authority within the area of responsibility. A delegate may also appoint a committee, group or individual to advise about the exercise of a delegation of authority, but the delegate remains responsible for making the decision.
- Delegation of a function to a committee or staff member is limited to the business and affairs of the relevant organisational unit unless otherwise specified in the terms of the delegation.
- The Vice President Operations will manage all applications for financial delegations.
- Applications for financial delegations must be authorised by the relevant delegate. If requiring delegation across multiple departments, it must be authorised by a delegate with financial delegation across all budget areas.
- Authorisation to operate an AC credit card does not of itself confer a delegation to commit or expend funds. Financial transactions made using an AC credit card must be duly authorised by a staff member holding Accounts Payable financial delegation.