Professional Entry Criteria Policy

Fact box

  • Policy owner: Registrar
  • Policy category: Academic: Academic Administration
  • Policy status: Approved
  • Approval body: Academic Board
  • Endorsement body: Quality Assurance Committee
  • Related policies:
  • Last amended: 22nd Oct. 2024
  • Relevant HESF: 1.1


This policy outlines professional entry criteria for Alphacrucis University College (AC) postgraduate and Higher Degree Research (HDR) awards.


All postgraduate and HDR courses


Professional entry is an option which recognises that many aspects of a person’s life experience may result in the development of skills, abilities and knowledge that relate directly to the ability to undertake tertiary study successfully. Professional entry applicants are those who are applying for a postgraduate coursework (Levels 8 or 9) or HDR (Level 9 or 10) course of study without having a prior required degree but can demonstrate an appropriate level of professional experience.

Professional Entry Criteria:

Following are the minimum criteria for professional entry:

  1. Professional experience must be current and relevant to the course of study being undertaken;
  2. A CV must be provided;
  3. In exceptional circumstances, a case may be made for assessing broader skills or qualifications, such as:
  • research and/or creative projects at an advanced level;
  • publications, presentations and conference participation;
  • experience outside tertiary education in industry, business or government employment; and;
  • professional experience in local, state or national organisations.

Below are the general guidelines for assessing criteria:

AQF level of study


Level 8 and 9 – Honours, Graduate Certificates, Graduate Diplomas, Masters by coursework

Three years FTE relevant professional experience

Level 9 – Masters by research

Five years FTE relevant professional experience

Level 10 – Doctor of Ministry

Ten years FTE relevant professional experience with at least five years of those years at a senior level

Responsible for implementation

Chair, Quality Assurance Committee

Key stakeholders

Postgraduate and HDR Students, Program Directors (or equivalent), Admission Officer, Faculty


Professional Entry Criteria Procedure

Professional entry must be approved by the Admissions Committee. If an applicant is applying to undertake a coursework program on the basis of professional entry, the following is required:

  • CV demonstrating relevant professional experience;
  • Statement of Service by the employer;
  • Personal Competence Assessment.

If an applicant is applying to undertake a HDR program on the basis of professional entry, the following is required:

  • CV demonstrating relevant professional experience;
  • Statement of Service by the employer;
  • Personal Competence Assessment;
  • A letter of recommendation by the appropriate Head of School or Head of Discipline.

The HDR student may also be required to undertake a bridging subject to demonstrate research readiness if they do not already meet this requirement.